Dispatches From America, Inc.

Dispatches From America, Inc.

Dispatches From America, Inc.

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Dispatches From America, Inc.: A Newsletter

American democracy is burning. An autocracy is growing.

Democracy is backsliding globally. American democracy is the latest victim of this decline.

The government of Trump 2.0 is attacking the foundations of America's democracy. Liberal values are synonymous with evil. Public institutions are synonymous with corruption.

In its place, Trump 2.0 is building an autocratic state that views all domestic and international relationships as zero-sum transactions: "What's in it for me?"

Dispatches from America, Inc. is a newsletter that will chronicle the real-time events. Framed by a Playbook for Autocrats, these periodic posts will dig beneath the news headlines to document and interpret America's movement toward a business state.

Don't be fooled by the chaos reflected in the daily news headlines. New pathways are being charted in this chaos, and those paths lead to an autocracy that is impervious to democratic values.

Subscribe to Unpuzzling Life's Complexities to receive the free newsletter, Dispatches From America, Inc., and postings on other topics.

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