Topic 1: Principles of Adaptive Living


Topic 1: Principles of Adaptive Living

Home » Topic 1: Principles of Adaptive Living

Live better and smarter by learning about the principles of adaptive living

A Framework for Unpuzzling Complexity

Welcome to Principles of Adaptive Living, a beginner-friendly journey into the art of systems thinking. If the phrase systems thinking makes you imagine a dull, complicated foreign land, rest assured: we’ll explore these ideas in clear language and illustrate them with relatable, real-life examples.

We’ll begin by looking at you as a living system—one with purpose and agency. You’re not an isolated machine. Instead, you exist in a dynamic web of people and groups that help shape who you are. These relationships become integral to your very identity.

Throughout this tutorial, we’ll use six core principles to illuminate how adaptive living influences self-identity, ties to social groups, the wider political landscape, and even the future of artificial intelligence. By the end, you’ll see how your life—and the world around you—functions as a vibrant, interconnected web of relationships—within yourself and with many others.

Please note: This tutorial is “under construction,” which means I am still writing it. The posts will published as they are available. Check back – or you can receive these posts in your mailbox by subscribing to my free newsletter.

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